Refer a Friend

Refer a friend to Vector Security and get $100    

Use the form below to refer a friend.

My top priority is professional service to my customers. The less time I spend on lead generation, the more attention I can give to my customers’ needs. If you’re pleased with my service, won’t you e-mail me the information so I can contact your Friend, Relative, Neighbor, or Colleague?  If you refer a new customer to me, you will receive $100.00 credit on your account or a check from me as a thank you.

Please complete the form below and submit it to my office. I will be happy to keep you informed of my progress.

Refer a Friend Form

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Important: All information supplied on the contact form is used solely for the purpose of responding to you regarding your inquiry. It is not used for any other purpose. You will not be solicited for any other product as a result of submitting your inquiry.